Art direction of the publication ↦ Panorama of Contemporary Italian Fashion Photography
curated by Pablo Arroyo and published by Skira Arte.
2021 - ONGOING
Freelancing / Graphic designer at Studio Fond
Co-author of the publication ↦ Tracce di iper-in-visibilità. Rappresentazione e disparità di genere: uno sguardo sulla quotidianità
curated by Bucchetti and Casnati.
2022 – 2023
Graphic Designer at A Studio Creative
DEC. 2021
(MA) Degree in Communication Design
at Politecnico di Milano
SEPT. 2015 - JUNE 2016
Creative Advertising
at Leeds College of Art (Exchange Program)
JULY 2017
(BA) Degree in Communication Design
at Politecnico di Milano